WeatheredBlend Oak  

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(great value and good lead times!)

11-12 x 11-12 x 12' WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers

actual dimensions often 11 1/8"+/- x 11 1/8"+/-





min: 1 each

6x12 x 6' WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers

can be visually sorted for White Oak





min: 1 each

WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers

from RubyOak and/or other sources




to 16'

min: 1 each

4x6 x 4' Oak Weathered Block Timbers

(actual length varies from 3'10"-4'); these blocks were used on the Ruby Pipeline, a 678 mile natural gas pipeline from Opal, WY, to Malin, OR (construction began in July 2010)





min: 10 each


$36.00 per each

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(additional costs and lead times generally apply)

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WeatheredBlend Oak - Product Info

WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers is a mix/blend product that combines the strengths of several reclaimed and non-reclaimed weathered/aged Oak timber sources to provide an optimized timber package. WeatheredBlend Oak Timber sources include, but are not limited to:

  • RubyOak Timbers
  • Trailblazer Oak Weathered Timbers
  • NatureAged Weathered Timbers (Oak)
  • 4x6x4' Oak Weathered Blocks
  • Other Weathered/Aged Oak timbers.

  • WeatheredBlend Oak Timber packages will often draw heavily from RubyOak product lines. They generally will have a significant amount of rustic character. The amount and type of character will vary from piece to piece.

    For certain sizes, you could save some $ by going with Trestlewood's WeatheredBlend Hardwood Timbers.
    Specification Sheet #6150 - WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers
    Products InvolvedTrestlewood's WeatheredBlend Oak Timbers involve a mix/blend of various sources of reclaimed timbers and timbers aged/processed to give them a weathered appearance. Trestlewood products that can be included in a WeatheredBlend Oak timber package include, but are not necessarily limited to, Trailblazer Oak Weathered Timbers (Spec Sheet #6101), Oak Weathered Timbers (Spec Sheet #6101), Oak Picklewood Weathered Timbers (Spec Sheet #7150), RubyOak Resawn Timbers (Spec Sheet #6102), Oak Sleepers, and NatureAged Oak Timbers (Spec Sheet #6120.) Blended products are results oriented - they increase Trestlewood's ability to economically achieve a desired look by freeing up the strengths and inventory of multiple complementary product lines.
    SpeciesMixed Oak (Red and/or White Oak.)
    SourceReclaimed Timbers: Barns, corncribs, stables, trestles, mills, homes and other buildings/agricultural structures and construction/industrial projects from different locations in North America.

    NatureAged Oak Timbers: Raw timber stock that is processed into NatureAged Oak Timbers comes from a variety of sources, including: i) timbers resawn from wood (timbers, logs) reclaimed from various salvage projects, ii) timbers cut from beetle-killed, fire-killed or dead-standing trees; iii) timbers cut from material which has weathered out of spec, and iv) new timber stock.
    HC/FOHCGenerally Heart Center (HC)
    MetalAllowed. Nails, bolts and other fasteners can be removed, cut flush or left as-is. Some metal can be broken off inside the beam.
    Mortise Pockets/Notches/HolesMortise pockets and notches from the original joinery are allowed (this would be especially applicable to Trailblazer Oak Weathered Timbers.) Nail, bolt, peg and other fastener holes are allowed. The quantity and size of mortise pockets and holes can vary widely from timber to timber, with some timbers containing very few or none and others containing frequent mortise pockets, notches, peg holes, bolt holes and/or nail holes.
    Checking/CracksTimbers generally have checks from the heart center to the faces of the timber. In addition, timbers can have surface checking and cracks, moderate butt checking and minor end splitting.
    Moisture Content/StabilityAir-Dried. NatureAged Oak and RubyOak Timbers tend to be somewhat more stable and less prone to shrinkage than are green timbers. Reclaimed timbers come from a variety of sources with a wide range of ages. Reclaimed timbers will generally be at least as stable as NatureAged Oak and RubyOak Timbers. Moisture content and stability can vary significantly from piece to piece.
    SurfacingOriginal timber surfacing ranges from smooth-planed to rough-sawn. Surface degradation (water damage, surface rot or "punkiness", etc) is common.
    WeightVaries; typically 3.5 to 4 pounds per board foot.
    GradingWeathered oak timbers can sometimes be graded (WLCB or similar.) Timbers are graded with exception taken for any mortise pockets, holes and/or other characteristics not addressed by new timber grading rules.
    Salt/MineralsPicklewood Oak Weathered Timbers contain salt and other minerals, creating characteristics and/or considerations in such areas as color/appearance, finishes/glues, metal corrosiveness, etc (see Picklewood specification sheet for more information.)
    Color/AppearanceWeathered. Amount and type of weathering varies, sometimes even within a given timber (i.e., some faces of a timber can be more heavily or differently weathered than other faces.) Surface degradation (water damage, surface rot or "punkiness", etc) is common. Weathered timber colors vary; common colors include browns (common for interior weathered timbers), grays (common for exterior weathered timbers), and combinations of browns and grays. In some cases, weathered timbers are sawn from larger timber stock, resulting in one or more fresh-sawn faces. Such fresh-sawn faces can often be "juiced" to help them blend in with more weathered faces. RubyOak Timbers can play a key role in providing dimensions that are difficult to get from other Oak timber types/sources. RubyOak timbers often have a combination of weathered and fresh-sawn faces (which fresh-sawn faces can be "juiced" to help them blend in with weathered faces.)
    Appearance VariationWeathered timbers will generally vary in appearance from piece to piece and even within a piece. The weathering (amount, mix of colors, etc) and other characteristics of one face can be substantially different than the weathering and other characteristics of another face. Some weathered timbers are cut from larger weathered timbers, giving them one or more fresh-sawn faces.

    Trestlewood sometimes uses one or more "juicing" processes to help fresh-sawn and/or less weathered/aged faces blend in with weathered/aged faces. All else being equal, juicing is more likely to be used in situations where (a) timbers are cut from larger timbers (thereby creating fresh-cut faces); (b) Buyer wants all (or most) faces to look weathered/aged; and/or (c) Buyer desires to increase the consistency of the weathered/aged look from face to face.
    DimensionsThe ability to pull from various oak timber sources gives Trestlewood the ability to provide a good range of timber sizes and lengths. Timbers larger than 8" x 10" and/or longer than 16' are generally more expensive per board foot than timbers to 8" x 10" x 16'. Dimensions are generally nominal. The more latitude the customer can provide in acceptable timber sizes, the better able Trestlewood is to meet the customer's timber needs in an economical and timely manner.
    Target MixDepends on the sizes and look/characteristics desired by Buyer. Many WeatheredBlend Oak timber packages will involve at least 2/3 of the board footage in reclaimed timbers from various sources.